Welcome to 2024!


Happy New Year to all our LinkedIn followers and connections!

No one can predict what is going to happen this year (or any year for that matter - unless you write for The Simpsons!) but you can set your stall out early regarding how you are going to show up in your life (and the lives of others) every day.

This year, we are going to challenge the clients we work with to provide fuller feedback when someone is unsuccessful in an interview - first, second, or 13th interview, it doesn't matter.

If you are hiring and expect people to thoroughly prepare for an interview at your organisation, the very least you can do when you determine that they "are not the right fit" is to articulate why that is.

Jobseekers - that means in return, you might receive some feedback that you may not like the sound of.

However, it is important to take the feedback in the spirit that it is given - to help you develop and improve.

You don't have to like the feedback.

You don't have to agree with the feedback.

It is completely up to you what you choose to do with the feedback. However, if feedback is provided in good faith and with insight, at least reflect and consider how to implement it.

If you are making hiring decisions this year, dare to look for reasons TO hire someone, not for reasons NOT to hire someone. All hiring decisions carry risk but don't get too consumed with the risk of getting it wrong.

If you ask genuine questions that are relevant and important for someone to be successful in your organisation, then trust the process if you hear the evidence you are looking for.

We are really looking forward to 2024, whatever it may bring.

We love helping our clients find needles in haystacks. We love helping people secure new roles, in new countries with new challenges ahead.

Let's go!

TP International